wolliballa (Rainer Schmidt)

Hobby- Photographer since 'ages' , being in the IT- industry since > 20 yrs, guess what, now turning to the digital age. Still loving my Minolta XD5, which belongs to my life since 1980 ..... (and no fault, but 1 battery replacement).
For commercial or online use (non-profit included) pls. get in contact with me first. Pls. add a crediting comment: 'Photo R. Schmidt, Kronberg/ Germany, http://www.club-pac.de'

I appreciate your comments and (if you download any photo of mine) a small note stating what you will use the download for. Thanks in advance. For some of the photos higher resolution originals are available. Just ask.

Btw. you may find further photos at sxc.hu.

Naam: Rainer Schmidt
Geslacht: man
Plaats: Kronberg
Land: Germany
camera: Olympus E-100RS / Minolta XD5 / Lumix DMC-FZ100 / Smartphone (Lenovo Phab2) / Samsung A52
Rgbstock sinds: May 2010
Gallerij Fotogalerijrss feed
Foto's online: 175
Downloads: 2157
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wolliballa's populaire foto's | toon de fotogallerij | toon de pulaire foto's

Kids Eyes

Kids Eyes

1360px * 1024px


Merels Nest (abandonned)

Merels Nest (abandonned)

1282px * 962px


My View

My View

1360px * 1024px


Leeuw Papa in de dierentuin (kijken)

Leeuw Papa in de dierentuin (kijken)

1360px * 1024px


Wat komt er nu?

Wat komt er nu?

1360px * 1024px


Good Morning Kids! (Lion Mom)

Good Morning Kids! (Lion Mom)

999px * 771px


Gelukkige Verjaardag Summer Bouquet

Gelukkige Verjaardag Summer Bouquet

2500px * 1875px



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