weewillyd (Bill Davenport)

These are experiments in digital photography to celebrate the wonder of God's creation in praise of His name. Born in Phoenix AZ and living in Nova Scotia, Canada, I have a deep appreciation for the diversity and majesty of creation. If a sunset is majestic, it's because God is majestic. If a child is delightful, it's because God is delightful. If a flower is beautiful, it's because God is beautiful. Ultimately, of course, His beauty and love was once for all displayed in His Son, Jesus Christ

Naam: Bill Davenport
Geslacht: man
Plaats: Kentville
Land: Canada
camera: Canon 5DIII
Rgbstock sinds: January 2010
Gallerij Fotogalerijrss feed
Foto's online: 206
Downloads: 7418
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Bye bye zon!

Bye bye zon!

3504px * 2336px


Krokus op white1

Krokus op white1

1600px * 1200px


Enlightened Lof

Enlightened Lof

1598px * 904px




1600px * 1200px


Angel Wings

Angel Wings

1727px * 1165px


Til Hoog het Kruis

Til Hoog het Kruis

3046px * 2154px


Maid bruid

Maid bruid

2336px * 3504px



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