pitabox987 (Peter Miller)

People seem to refer to me as the monkey with the gun... (correction: Munkey)...

I love my photography, but work as a hardware engineer for Apple Computer, when I don't have my head behind a camera it's usually in front of another screen (usually my beloved Mac).

Recently finished a course studying graphic design, meh, kind of got 'monotonous' toward the end.

Now looking to get back into my photography again (joy!) now that I have more free time.

Naam: Peter Miller
Geslacht: man
Plaats: Armidale
Land: Australia
camera: Canon EOS 400D; EFS 18-55mm, 1:3.5-5.6 lens; 35-80mm, 1:4-5.6 lens; 75-300mm, 1:4-5.6 lens; 50mm, 1:1.8 [fixed] lens; EFS 60mm, 1:2.8 USM [fixed] lens
Rgbstock sinds: February 2010
Gallerij Fotogalerijrss feed
Foto's online: 10
Downloads: 1006
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Smile Mr zondag!

Smile Mr zondag!

3848px * 4058px


Kleur Model (additief)

Kleur Model (additief)

4740px * 4740px


Kleur Model (Subtractieve)

Kleur Model (Subtractieve)

1024px * 1024px




1024px * 980px


sleutel tot het hart

sleutel tot het hart

1024px * 980px


hart met roos

hart met roos

1023px * 917px


Full Moon

Full Moon

1024px * 724px



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