jaylopez (Jay )

Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that's why it is so complicated.
- Paul Rand

Hello there and Welcome to my gallery!

Feel free to use any of the photos posted here on any projects that you might have as long as you abide by the RGB Terms of Use.

Im interested to know how my works are being used... please send me a link to the final project (if possible) or just post a comment on the image

Naam: Jay
Geslacht: man
Plaats: Manila
Land: Philippines
camera: Fujifilm X-E1, Samsung SII Smartphone
Rgbstock sinds: January 2010
Gallerij Fotogalerijrss feed
Foto's online: 60
Downloads: 15464
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Wat is een QR code?
Een QR code is een door telefoons en tablets leesbare streepjescode. Je kan deze code toevoegen aan al je offline promotionele acties.

jaylopez's populaire foto's | toon de fotogallerij | toon de pulaire foto's

Digital World

Digital World

1100px * 1100px


Papier en clip

Papier en clip

900px * 1180px


Movie clapperboard series

Movie clapperboard series

1466px * 1200px


Groen bord

Groen bord

1485px * 1000px


Technologie Achtergrond Ontwerp

Technologie Achtergrond Ontwerp

963px * 1100px


Movie clapperboard series

Movie clapperboard series

1466px * 1200px


Music background

Music background

900px * 1200px



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