coloniera (Héctor Landaeta)

For me this sharing primarily serves a karmical reason of correspondence with all of what I've got and still get from the web. In that spirit I don't need to give you any permission on the use you give to my work (nothing not already stated in the site's rules, that is). Good or bad, that would be YOUR own karma.
Of course all artists (or aspiring ones, as is this case) are ego driven creatures, so all comments are welcome, specially those that help me further my ambitions as a light-grabber.

Naam: Héctor Landaeta
Geslacht: man
Plaats: Miami
Land: United States
camera: Canon EOS 60D
Rgbstock sinds: February 2010
Gallerij Fotogalerijrss feed
Foto's online: 58
Downloads: 4347
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coloniera's populaire foto's | toon de fotogallerij | toon de pulaire foto's

My kids

My kids

3106px * 2126px


hortensia border

hortensia border

2000px * 1500px


Mona Lisa glimlach

Mona Lisa glimlach

3976px * 2603px


Happy Baby 2

Happy Baby 2

1980px * 2816px


Mr. Redondo

Mr. Redondo

3600px * 2542px


Fran y Meli

Fran y Meli

3500px * 2475px


Looking Ahead

Looking Ahead

4152px * 2733px



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