TACLUDA (Adrian van Leen)

retired clergyman, educator, researcher & keen amateur photographer since I had my first camera - a Kodak Brownie box camera - I usually take a camera with me everywhere - just in case!

I would appreciate you letting me know how you are using my images in the comment box on the image itself.

Please do not redistribute my images in part or whole, for money or for free. You need my specific permission for that. Please read the terms of use and image licence.

When crediting me, please use my real name Adrian van Leen

Naam: Adrian van Leen
Geslacht: man
Plaats: Perth
Land: Australia
camera: Fuji & Canon etc
Rgbstock sinds: March 2010
Gallerij Fotogalerijrss feed
Foto's online: 14911
Downloads: 142673
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TACLUDA's populaire foto's | toon de fotogallerij | toon de pulaire foto's

sky niveaus

sky niveaus

3264px * 2448px


in het vuur

in het vuur

3648px * 2736px


koude crystals1

koude crystals1

1615px * 1190px


licht blauw papier textuur

licht blauw papier textuur

3072px * 2304px


huisplan blauwdruk

huisplan blauwdruk

2560px * 2713px


highrise bouw

highrise bouw

3140px * 2642px


groente & fruit winkelen

groente & fruit winkelen

1584px * 730px



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