hisks (Krzysztof (Kriss) Szkurlatowski)

PLEASE DON'T use my images on Facebook!!!

If you want to use my images in other works please:
- inform me about details of your project and credit me wherever in your work with my full name and web page adress: Krzysztof Szkurlatowski; 12frames.eu
- when your work will be ready, send me by e-mail: szkurlatowski(at)photographer.net, copy of final work as pdf file or link to web;
- please, leave a comment to my image - thnx;

Naam: Krzysztof (Kriss) Szkurlatowski
Geslacht: man
Land: Poland
camera: Tachihara; Mamiya; Nikon
Rgbstock sinds: February 2010
Gallerij Fotogalerijrss feed
Foto's online: 2178
Downloads: 52388
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Negatieve film strip

Negatieve film strip

10851px * 3445px


negatieve film strip

negatieve film strip

1981px * 1887px


silhouet van runner

silhouet van runner

1311px * 1635px


Board 5

Board 5

1009px * 1654px


vintage vulpen 4

vintage vulpen 4

2272px * 1521px


winnen - finale van de run com

winnen - finale van de run com

3303px * 2441px


Vintage fountain pen 1

Vintage fountain pen 1

2272px * 1521px



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