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Concealable Weapons

1. xymonau13 May 2012, 12:35 GMT +02:00

The language in this makes me cringe, but it is genuinely funny.


26. happyture5 June 2012, 11:53 GMT +02:00

I always tell the troof Dezzie you knows that, never have i told you a lye,,,,,,because lier's have to have gud memories and mine crap.. and thats as troo as im skydiving here now!!!

27. xymonau10 June 2012, 8:59 GMT +02:00

And I'm down here waiting to catch you! What a co-inkydence!

28. happyture10 June 2012, 10:22 GMT +02:00


29. xymonau10 June 2012, 10:51 GMT +02:00

Donchoo know the words?

30. happyture10 June 2012, 11:18 GMT +02:00

Corse i does but if i sing um you'll say you wrote it an yoo didn't cuz i did!

31. xymonau10 June 2012, 12:50 GMT +02:00

Wozzentchoo. Woz Helton John. Tsk!

32. happyture11 June 2012, 7:05 GMT +02:00

Wozzent, woz me as i am a artist'e :O)

33. xymonau11 June 2012, 7:30 GMT +02:00

Camberas don' writes mewsick.

34. happyture11 June 2012, 9:44 GMT +02:00

Oh i dont right it,, i hums it,,real gud though,,wood yew like me to hum you a note or two??? i wont charge you cuz yew iz me friend a bit today :O)

35. xymonau11 June 2012, 11:56 GMT +02:00

Iffitz free, I will lissen, butchoo hafta stop wen I puts my fingers in yer eyes an' screams "SHUT UP!!!", hokay?

36. happyture13 June 2012, 12:09 GMT +02:00

Hokay then hear go's hum hummm hum hum ahh ahh humm hummmmm, ah ah hummm hum ah humm humm hummm hummmmm, Ahhhhh hummmm hum hum hum , ahhh hum humm hummm ah hummmmmmmmmmmmm... Amazed arn't yoo hey!! I know i,m amazing inhigh ...go on say something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! go on anything !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dezzie??? Dezzie say something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

37. xymonau13 June 2012, 12:27 GMT +02:00

Elton John.

38. happyture15 June 2012, 12:24 GMT +02:00

Candle hin the wind, see told ya high woz reely good at humming tunes,,, you ava go now sea hiff yoo can do betterer :O)

39. Gramps15 June 2012, 13:55 GMT +02:00

Could have sworn it was 'when a child is born' but I've noticed that I put a Hummm in where it should have been a ah ah. Think there should have been a tum ti tum bit as well but what do I know? Tone deaf, me.

40. xymonau16 June 2012, 9:47 GMT +02:00

Yore bofe barkin' mad. Han yoo carnt sing for nuts.

I has taken my fingers outa my ears now. I wood be grateful iff yoo wood not humm enny moore or sing or make ennyfing muzikal, pleeze. I yam of a sensitive nachore an I mussent be hupset by hairy mens wot makes noises. Hokay?

41. happyture16 June 2012, 12:05 GMT +02:00

Remeber when you toll me you had dreams of hairy mens that made noises? i can cleerly, dancin to hirotic Muzic you sed they woz, oiled bear chests you sed ???

42. xymonau16 June 2012, 13:46 GMT +02:00

Grease? Erk! Now I know you is lyin'! That's be like watchin' a greasy pig shimmy. You don't harf tork codswallop, Mikey boy. Or is you gettin' YOR dreems mixeded up wiff myne???

43. happyture17 June 2012, 10:10 GMT +02:00

"SHARP INTAKE OF BREATH" DEZZIE I IZ FAR FAR REMOVED FROM BEING HOMOSEXUOHELL,, No no no,,what a nassy thought ,,,See you tell me yoor secrets then twist um sayin nassy things like wot you juss did.. :O(

44. xymonau17 June 2012, 10:19 GMT +02:00

I oney has eyes for Matt Damon. Wiffout grease, please. (He might get away!)

45. happyture18 June 2012, 7:06 GMT +02:00

Ha ha ha,,,He looks Slippery enough to me,, he dont need greasing that slippery fish!!!

46. xymonau24 June 2012, 12:03 GMT +02:00

OOH! Donchoo dare call my Matty a fish!

47. happyture25 June 2012, 0:09 GMT +02:00

Ha ha ha! his eyes are too close together for my liking Dezzie!!!

48. xymonau25 June 2012, 10:19 GMT +02:00

Oh, you have no taste in men at all! If I ever met him, I'd be a complete idiot - simpering like a schoolgirl. No, he must remain a dream...

49. happyture25 June 2012, 16:26 GMT +02:00

Ha ha ha,,looking at him Dezzie he'd be simpering like a schoolgirl too :O)

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