A lot of familiar images here being offered for download, including mine. I can't seem to make a comment, though, as every time I try, the page goes wonky. Can anyone else post there?
I'm so sick of thieves.
I'm happy to say that I know aprox.50 persons in this country, the rest are just faces passing by. Here, if you’re honest and good you’re a loser as this country’s motto is “if one does it why can’t you”.
It is enough for a guy to be smart enough to sell an image for a book cover and get credit with it (my nature images tend to go to book covers).
While I do not have a huge downer on having my image used for powerpoints I do not recall allowing any redistributor to permit "rights are completely free". It is something that I have never, and will never, permit.
Click on "contact" and you get a 404 error. (I'm temporarily operating on the pisspoor Internet Exploder which is doing some weird things so another browser might have better luck)
There are a few images I recognise as being hosted by RGB. Since there are commercially copyrighted images on the site I'm assuming they didn't seek or were given permission to redistribute them which sets a precedent. I certainly can't find any contact email from this site.
this site is registerd by hiratec design technology from Adana,Turkey
The second last one may not be from here, but the others are.
They are using three images of me.
Contact does not work but I have left a comment on the images themselves.
They did not asked permission and I do not agree with all rights are free
They are also on facebook !
This is sounding familiar to me. I think this person was mentioned before. You can comment on his Facebook page as well. As I recall, I did, and he removed my pics, asking if I would reconsider in the future.
I left a comment on FB and also somebody else but no response
He took a few days to get back to me. I'm sure it's the same person. If he doesn't respond, keep commenting on FB, as that's really public and it shames him.
I have been alerted to this eBay shop by an eagle eyed RGBer.
There are images there that I, and quite a few of you, will recognise.
I haven't had time to go through all 42 pages but I will contact this banksy-lovers character via his eBay account about the image (the Dead Tree one, I was alerted to. Sending an email to the email address provided merely bounces back.
I have no idea whether or not this is a legacy rip from SXC or if the images have come from here.
Did you have any response from them, Lynne? This guy is using so many copyrighted images.
He is selling also few of my images like this:
Contacted him to remove them.
There are so many thieves out there. If he doesn't respond, can Ebay be contacted directly?
I also reported this two items to Ebay but there is now place for text so not sure if it's working
eBay can be contacted directly. The seller is based in Canada but the printer is based in London. I'm wondering which one will, if at all, respond.
Contacted Ebay directly so now a have to wait for response.
This one is also from here
The seller has taken the two images away from me and posted a new one instead.
She said she had bought it on Shutterstock but want show a link to the gallery.
They are nof for sale there from me.
Get back onto Ebay. I can't find any way to contact them, no matter where I look. That's so frustrating. I wanted to report the lime image, too.
This is the emailadress of seller:
You can report an item to Ebay by clicking report item at the bottom of the image they selling Dez but they don't seems to response :-(
Oké great, the seller responded and removed the images.
Said it comes from shutterstock.
That's excellent, but most of the images they are offering are copyrighted. Have you found your image on Shutterstock? And I'll bet if they sold any they aren't going to tell you. Is there any way of finding that out?