Thanks, could of warned me though, as the shock has made me go all Funny-er than normal... :o)
Ma said i need counselling but she soon changed her mind once i took her for a walk down the river :O) I need counselling, And she's the one shouting at the top of her voice WHEELCHAIRS DONT FLOAT" Phfffff!!!
Dezzie,,as if,, No only pushed her in uptwo her ways't then her moaned that the water was cold, phfffff, these old'uns hey, what do ya do wiv um....
Apparrently you half drown them in freezing water. Great idea. Maybe you could start a trend?
Yeah, its good for you, gets your nerves going, seen them ruskies breaking the ice for a paddle..
People who are weak or old need warm water. The cold could kill them. Woodja considder lettin' yer ma out now? Sh'e been punnished enuff.
Did she thaw out? I bet she left great pools of melted ice on yer carpet. Very hinconsidderate, old people.
Well now yoo menchin it, i think hers only gon and peed herself now hers frozen to her wheelchair, i,ll put her by the fire to thaw out...
You're too good to that woman, Mikey. Spoiled, she is.
I knows i am, spoiled her is, spoiled to the core, Lass sonday i heven let her wear her shoes for a hour, i dunner let her wear um much cuz hers a bugger to catch with um on see....
Why, you should get a award, you should. I'll write to Her Maj. I'll arst her if she c'n send my present back, too.
Well i know Betty has gone on holiday for a month bless her the cold causes her bunions havoc bless, but yeah you can ask, no arm in asking is there.
Did so. I got her number lars' time she woz here. Said I'd send her some cuttin's from me garden. She has a terrible time wif petunias.
I knows that,,yeah petunias are not her bestest subjects.
Thats right, royal family's who needs um really, think the French had the right idea
Well, I guess these days they just cost a lot, and what for?
Are you still on the mend?
Yeah, i know my own name now and everything, wonderful it is, i dont walk like a crab now, more of a ruptured duck,,but im getting better thank you :O)
Good. When you're all better you can come over an' wash me car.
I knew it, no sympathy at all,,,look at me puppy dog eyes,,,,make us a cup of rosie lee 2 sugars and a bacon butty while your up :O)