You can only change ONE letter, AND/OR rearrange the letters currently available. The first word is:
If you go from one
to another you will only loose money, not stress, that's sure ;-)
but you might feel better if you can purchase some
As you know I'm quite deaf, even if you told me. I just want to keep you occupied till all the goodies which are too expensive are already
all I wanted was a
and for that I'd have used an impulse purchase
I have heard of men buying large blow-up plastic dolls.
To me that sounds
(sorry for the late answer... migraine...)
sounds more lewd than dull, but then I am
of self righteous indignation at the thought! :0)
I truly hope your migraine eases/d quickly. I may have asked before, but I can't remember: Do you get the aura before the headache? And if so, what is it like?
When the attack is over, it is as if someone came by to
the plug and reset everything to zero and the migraine nearly goes without leaving anything back. I must admit that I'm still a bit raspy today because of the lot of vomiting over many hours. This is obviously strenous for the vocal cords.
But no, I never had any auras, not the faintest bit of funny visions telling me that an attack is coming. They might be helpful, as a signal, even if they are not easy to cope with. I have the provlem that I can't always notice an upcoming attack soon enough. I have to be very fast to take the medicine just in time so that it can be most effective.
each attack must throw a
of gloom over the day until it passes
Yes, and no
is really good enough to avoid this. I can only try to optimize the situation as best as possible.
I feel like such a
when I complain about getting the aura, even though I don't get the headache
I think that in your case your aura
only mean one thing - the sphere of a really nice person around.
you may have a
one, but certainly not a hard heart
Oh Michael, I sorry you suffer again from your migraine, thought you are better since a time.
Chronic health issues make life hard, but I hope the good times can make up for them. I'll give you a
berth today because you may get a bit merry celebrating your birthday!
It is chronic, Gesine, so there are ups and downs, but no real improvement. I'm currently changing one of my prophylaxis to another sort of pills. I'm still tapering the old ones and will start to creep in at the start of december with the new. The list of possible and highly probable adverse effects is long (these are all strong pills), but I hope it will help.
Thank you, Dez. We try to keep as calm and
as possible so that the day will be merry, but not too strenuous.
because it's your birthday, I will overlook the change to two letters and
by my generous example
I must admit it is hard to count properly after the consumption of so much cake.
But I'm glad that you are such a generous
only on a good day - on a bad, I would be forced to
you, with a withering look