You can only change ONE letter, AND/OR rearrange the letters currently available. The first word is:
luckily only one ore two attacks each month because I take many pills which help to reduce the numbers of attacks a little, but I still
every time when the disease strikes again. It has a deep impact on your life because you just can't be too careless anymore with what you do.
That's a real shame. I know migraines are caused by different things in people, but I know someone who was treated for them for years and on massive numbers of pills eventually. She was seen by a different doctor when her own was away, and he was horrified and sent her off to rehab to get off all the tablets safely, so they could start from the beginning to find the most effective treatment. Her headaches disappeared and she hasn't had even one since she stopped all the pills. I saw her a few weeks ago and she looks like a million dollars - healthy and glowing. She had been sick for years, and was made worse by the medication, but she trusted her doctor.
is food for thought
I would suspect that the truth may be something simple like
would be a shame for the doctors to admit: they simply don't know what works because every patient is different and so they play lottery with us and guess around a bit. They may be lucky at that guessing and then it works fine, otherwise it needs more doctors and more pills...
And then there are those wholly different directions of "scool medicine", old chinese treatments and the like. And all of them have their ideas for migraines, because migraines are no new invention of the recent time. I read in a migraine forum that many patients have to bear for half a lifetime with this disease before it gets better. In most cases nothing for quick solutions.
well, my
off to you for enduring these all the time
@7804 Full marks for being prepared to
such a long course in the search for a cure. I can sympathize, as I get filthy headaches from very variable weather (i.e., air pressure yoyoing up and down) though I'm sure it's not as bad as migraine. A surplus of negative ions in the air is supposed to help with headaches - this is the kind of air you would breathe in good clean healthy woodland - whereas "city" air has a surfeit of positive ions because of all the plastics and pollution. No wonder we talk about "sick building syndrome"!
unfortunately we can't
all what makes us sick because I suppose in most cases we would have to kill ourselfs. It all has a lot to do with "pushing the limits" a little bit too much. And then our sensitivity is a little bit too weak. We realise that we don't feel comfortable with the air we breathe anymore only when it's too late already and the head has begun to hurt again. It's a pity.
I think doctors need to spend time investigating the cause rather than just easing the symptoms. Both are equally important.
most medics are pill-pushers and we are forced to grasp temporary relief
I can
see that many medics are overrun by a lot of patients and a lot of bureaucracy - to spend time investigating the cause seems like a luxury which has gotten out of sight in their business.
I think we train them to think "pills", not "cure". I agree they are busy. We can't get in to see a doctor in this town at short notice. We can go to the hospital and wait for hours to see someone. I've never lived in a worse place for medical treatment. And none would think of working late for the sake of humanity.
they have no
I know that experience only too well. There is no great
to the hospital service we have either. We are on the cusp of provision from two different hospitals - both are as much as 45 minutes drive for an ambulance. The ambulance crews themselves say it is too far: patients could die needlessly.
there was no need to
my ear specialist yesterday, I didn't get even more pills. He said they won't help and prescribed me massages. We will have to see if osteopathy is really able to impress my tinnitus.
In this large town here there are lots of medics and hospitals which you can consult, but you can still spend very much time there and it is very frustrating if you have a disease which is not so easy to identify.
that's why online medical sites are your
pals -
You can find the oddest bunch of symptoms and diagnoses online (just stick to the sane ones, though!)
not if there is a
in your past - they can find you here, too
I think we shoudn't
that out. There are only good boys running this site.
however, sometimes I like to
things up a bit - life gets so dull
have you ever tried to count the numbers of the
or at least happy shining suns at the sky? And wondered if there is anyone out there who finds life dull, too?
well, I'm sure there are other beings out there, but I doubt that they have the problems we have - either boredom or vermin, like
rats (okay, so I had to get it in some way! LOL)
if they had rats, they would also have help by
(which I like a lot). But I wonder if their cats may have two hats?
that is rather unlikely, too - I'm going to have a
with your doctor
I fear you are delusional
fool me. In truth you are just envious and want him to prescribe you such nice massages too (in your case by a handsome young man, I suppose)
oh, no, I'm not fussy - just as long as they have a pulse...
your eyes on what I am about to write - I have just tasted Haribo lollies - their sour Zoo ones - and I think they are possibly the best lollies I have ever tasted - and they are German
I may move there if the supply is ever cut off!