Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
Hmm.. some interesting misapprehensions here about the differences between spectacles, glasses and a toasting fork. So I'll just relieve you of that million dollars. Thanks for looking after it for me!
Perhaps you should take that toasting fork out of your eye. You're making a spectacle of yourself. That wasn't the millyun dollers you grabbed, it was Cris's hand. You make a lovely couple.
Lol! I like the implication that Cris might be the six million dollar man, but you're wrong. I know greenbacks when I see them. Mine!
If I had a dollar for every time I won this thing I would have a millyun!!
Your applications are automatically submitted. I've done it over a millyun times. Don't worry, you'll get there if you don't get stuck by the pointy stick woman.
Best look sharp then (sorry!). She's been ominously quiet...
Ooh, that's a pointed remark! But I'm not a would-be; I'm an am-be.
Help, I am trapped in this dialog box with Vladaline the Impaler!!
This is a very sticky situation. We'll have to keep our sharp wits about us. Our point is to get out of this mess and the only way to do that is to stick together and not get stuck.
Adhering to that policy sounds incisive!
BTW, is Vladaline an ointment? Sounds pungent...
A mere disambiguation for the descendant of Vlad II Dracul. No ointment known to man will heal a single scrape from her stick. The soup dip is that effective.
Actually, it's sheep dip, but we won't split hairs.
You namby pamby am-bes are all alike, too. Are you still holdin' hands?
Sheep dip... is that like Oz fondue? Glad to hear that it doesn't spoil the fleece by splitting their hairs.
I have never held Cris's hand. I don't know where he's been.
That is correct. We stick the sheep on the end of our pointy sticks, and dip 'em before bitin' 'em. Wriggly beggars, though. For some reason, they don't like it. It's hell when it's not shearin' time. Those unsplit hairs get stuck on the roof of yer mouth - just like peanut butter. I'm makin' myself very hungry here.
You don't know where Cris has been? Are you callin' him a has-been? I don't think he''l be very happy about that.
It's a good thing we winners don't get lonesome on our own. No, we bask in the glory of our well-earned prize.
The prize is not keeping you company for long. You best take up knitting or something to keep yourself occupied in its absence.
Absolutely - a good use for a pair of pointy sticks! :-)
In passing, congratulations on posting message no. 1800. A fine award. But the main prize is mine!