Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
Ah, no - I use a process of deduction. Man likes puns more than anything. Gen X does not like puns nor understand them. Man therefore must be old. I know you're impressed. No need for adulation. Just gimme the prize.
You ARE old. No grasp of the current reality - that is, that I have won.
And just what have you done with Gesine? You didn't kill her and hide the body did you? Only, I can't see her!
Football fever, we have to manage a game for EM in Poland/Ukraine
Its in german but you can see it here:
and Internetzer is the fun part
Wow! You're having fun, and I'm just here winning. Not fair.
@4637 Go for it Gesine! I'm sure you're having a great time.
And Dez, I'm really pleased to see you back, but I would just like to say that I am NOT old. Just mature. And still the winner.
Given the time it has taken you to respond to that word, I rest my case.
Thank you, Kevin. I am pleased to be back, if only to collect my winnings.
Would you please move your case. It's blocking the way to my winner's throne. And anyway, I know it's empty cos the prize is with me.
That's not a nice way to talk about Gesine. Now, getoffer my throne!
Gesine is listening. And for I don't win anything in our game (expect expierience of course) could you be so kind to leave this prize to me?? Thank you :-)
Oh Gesine, for such a courteous, gentle, peaceable request I could almost agree.
But not quite.
But Gesine and I are in the real world. I'll refrain from adding the obvious counterpoint...
No, we're residents in the real world. But then, I realize these are strange concepts to a foreigner such as yourself.
Ah, the xenophobia has returned! You should really get a doctor to look at that.
Lol! That sounds like the voice of experience...
Personally I prefer the xylophone to the xenophobia.
Now there's an instrument that had its heyday in the 60s and never really returned to favour - like the piano accordion.
Ah yes, I used to know a policeman who played the piano accordion (but not on duty). He was really good! He and some friends formed themselves into a barndance band and were always in demand.
When I was in primary school, every second kid was learning the accordion. But they simply fell out of favour. I blame the Beatles.
But now accordion players are search by a lot by little Bands that cover old songs
Are they? I honestly haven't seen anyone playing one for years - except perhaps on a show we had here called "Spicks and Specks", where they would always have an unusual musical performance - oftem people playing odd instruments and playing well known songs in a manner to disguise them - e.g., in polka mode - and the panellists would have to guess the song. I think there might have been a piano accordion on that once.
I actually think there is a lot of skill required to play one, and I always liked the sound.