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Camera for Christmas!

1. happyture13 December 2011, 7:37 GMT +01:00

Well its that time of year again, the photography shops are full to the britches with sparkly new cameras with more pixels and wonder gadgetry than you can wave a stick at, I am looking for a new camera but dont want to have a wheelbarrow to carry it around, I have been looking closely at the Panasonic G3 amazed at the size and control this camera seems to have, yet i am concerned that the iso settings only goes down to 160iso,,,,that i feel is rather high as my little fuji and Big Nikon go down much lower around 80iso with the fuji and 100iso with the Nikon,,,I can hear you all saying OMG he's rambling again, BUT i would love to hear your opinions on the many cameras that are on the market at the moment.

338. xymonau21 March 2012, 8:32 GMT +01:00

The park ranger said you gotta put her back, Mikey! She was nestin'!

339. happyture21 March 2012, 8:58 GMT +01:00

Ha ha yeah,,,Ive never clipped her wings she can fly anytime she wanted too,,,bless look at her little webbed feets :O)

340. xymonau21 March 2012, 10:15 GMT +01:00

Hard to see 'em under the long blonde wig.

341. happyture21 March 2012, 11:41 GMT +01:00

Well she does like her hair, brushes it 100 times before getting into bed..

342. xymonau21 March 2012, 11:52 GMT +01:00

She's self-conscious cause she's quackers.

343. happyture21 March 2012, 14:36 GMT +01:00

completely, but she does like stale bread bless her ...

344. xymonau21 March 2012, 14:54 GMT +01:00

Have you introduced her to yer Ma?

345. happyture21 March 2012, 18:00 GMT +01:00

Goodness Gracious No, Ma dont like women in the house, well unless they can cook ...

346. xymonau22 March 2012, 9:03 GMT +01:00

I don't think you can cook the stuff you feed yer Ma.

Well, I think it's just lovely that you have met your match. I hope you'll both be very happy together. So, will you live at your place or hers?

347. happyture22 March 2012, 9:43 GMT +01:00

Well,,i gave Ma sum chewing gum and sultana buttys last night an er's still gumming on um now bless er! Cant live at Er's as there's not a lot of room in a bus shelter :O)

348. xymonau22 March 2012, 12:32 GMT +01:00

You got the whole flippin' pavement! Som folk is greedy, you iz!

349. happyture23 March 2012, 23:31 GMT +01:00

OK OK OK,,Im greedy, I always take the biggest piece of cake when offered, why be shy,,,Greedy yes flows off the tung dunnit!!!

350. xymonau24 March 2012, 9:57 GMT +01:00

Lots of stuff flows off yer tung wot is not necessesserily troof.

351. happyture26 March 2012, 8:10 GMT +02:00

I juss no where your going with that too,,an your saying i iz talking Bull poo poo...juss say it, cuz i no's what you iz meening ..

352. xymonau26 March 2012, 10:51 GMT +02:00

Hyme not sure hit reaches the high standard of bovine excrement.

353. happyture26 March 2012, 20:06 GMT +02:00

Dezzie why for are you so insalting, his it an Oztralian thing....

354. xymonau26 March 2012, 22:08 GMT +02:00

Well, Mr Ocker hisself - yew shood no!

355. happyture27 March 2012, 6:37 GMT +02:00

Ha haaaaa! touché madame :O)

356. xymonau27 March 2012, 11:45 GMT +02:00

Yew won' be touche-ing THIS madame, hunless you gets very lucky indeed. An' you is outa that luck. Yor horsieshoe was turned the wrong way.

357. happyture27 March 2012, 16:05 GMT +02:00

Got hoss shoe tattooed on my backside for luck :O)

358. xymonau28 March 2012, 12:00 GMT +02:00

I don't think that poor tattoo feels very lucky, now, do you? Woz it s'posed to go on yer face? Coz it's a easy mikstake.

359. happyture28 March 2012, 23:41 GMT +02:00

If i didn't know you better :O)

360. xymonau29 March 2012, 8:08 GMT +02:00

Well, I juss always assumes you is walkin' hupright, so I talks to the bit on top.

361. happyture29 March 2012, 10:22 GMT +02:00

OMG,,,,think you wrote the buck on hinsalts dinya....

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