today seems to be an especially busy day on RGB ... already more than 100 new users... and it is Saturday, usually not the most "active" day of the week.
Sorry I did misread that. We had 11 visitors since January 1 from
11 is good! All links bring people here, and we are growing.
an other link to our site:
Today is a busy day again at RGB.. many new users, that's nice :)
We thought it might be this article which was probably mentioned in their newsletter or something:
Total for yesterday was 275!! I already see more are arriving today.
We're just short of 30,000 members. Should make it in a week to ten days!
And we are also pretty near 65.000 images... but impossible to get there in ten days to celebrate a double achievement :(
Haven't we come a long way? This site is a tribute to all the people behind the scenes and the uploaders and downloaders. It is nice to look at and very friendly. Well done, everyone!
Oh yes, it feels good to be a part of this site, and as things progress it feels even better day by day. Just great :)
That's a pretty good achievement in such a short time, don't you think?