Dez, did you also see the little car-factory ?:
Also pretty a neat trick.
Wow, Lennie! That's incredible! The minds that make these are so clever, and it's fascinating! Really cute, too!
How to play drum :
have you ever seen an animated optical illusion? This is pretty wild. This guy makes static images move. It's a mind-bending trick.
I've just noticed that the video in @102 was posted before in @96 by Cris, sorry everybody.
Those optical illusions are awesome, Cris.
Shark attack:
Should your man smell like an Old Spice man?
Cool commercial video.
Is that food?
(not Youtube, but weird)
The guy on the ground is smiling for some reason. Maybe he likes a foot to the groin!
Halftime Show
I'll bet you've never seen anything like this!
It's at a Navy basketball halftime show....
It gets more impressive as it goes on!
Old time black and white footage of Russian soldiers doing traditional break dancing to a rap tune by Run DMC
If you wanna be a hamster:
Onion News introduces the Friend Bar, a place to send all your annoying Mac-obsessed friends when you grow tired of listening to them ramble. It's possibly the only Apple product devout PC users will definitely use!,17693/#next-page
!115. trust Onion NN to come up with something like that, hilarious!
Undercover Karaoke with Jewel
Jewel, disguised as a mild mannered businesswoman, drops by a local karaoke bar and performs some of her classic songs to a completely dumbfounded audience.
A trip to the edge of space
What is it like to travel to the edge of space? James May found out first hand. He took a flight in a U-2 spy plane. The trip took him to 70,000 feet. That’s twice as high as most commercial airline flights. And the view was simply amazing. Thankfully, he brought cameras along. So, you can see it for yourself.
Dont know if this has been posted before here:
BP Coffee Spill
Cris, that optical illusion @ 105 is mind blowing! thanks for sharing!