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4 seasons on 45 seconds

1. jimdaly9817 February 2011, 18:39 GMT +01:00

Stumbled across this one - thought you might like it.

674. happyture29 June 2011, 10:22 GMT +02:00

Sorry, Bread sung it better than Dolly, I remember Dolly singing it ,couple of reasons why!

675. xymonau29 June 2011, 11:37 GMT +02:00

Don't be rude. I used to love that song when it first came out and I was a pimply teenager. *sigh*

676. happyture29 June 2011, 13:48 GMT +02:00

Yeah those where the days, movies, chippy, and all on a couple of quid, cant even get in the movies for that now, and they say nothings gone up! ha ha what a joke!

677. xymonau29 June 2011, 14:11 GMT +02:00

I remember the sixties. We had Pounds, shillings and pence then. Sixpence for an ice cream, a shilling for a meat pie. You and three others couldn't eat two shillings worth of chips - ever. You left your own container out for the milkman to fill from his big metal container of milk. You took a saucepan to the Chinese shop and they would fill it for you and charge accordingly. Some of us still had ice chests, and we would go to the butter factory to buy a huge block of ice, which would last several days. We had a great big copper - a copper bowl - out in the back yard. You'd light a fire under it and boil your washing, pushing it around with a long pole. Then you'd lift the scalding sheets out and plop them in a bucket of cold water so you could cool them enough to wring them by hand. Some still had fuel stoves, and we would go onto the railway tracks and pick up coal to burn instead of wood. Men driving trains would see us and push a heap of coal off for us. I remember wagging school to see the premiere - in my town - of Mary Poppins. I thought the whole movie was wonderful!

678. happyture29 June 2011, 16:51 GMT +02:00

Early 70's for me, i was only 6 in 1964 when mary poppins premièred in England, mind i,ll still sit and watch it now, fantastic film, absolutely wonderful :O)

679. xymonau30 June 2011, 10:50 GMT +02:00

Well, I was only 8 (I hadn't turned nine yet, but I did in 1964), but I went to the pictures by myself to see it.

680. happyture1 July 2011, 0:16 GMT +02:00

Well you is still a kitten then, you is only old as you feel,,,when you stop feelin you knows your old!

681. xymonau3 July 2011, 10:10 GMT +02:00

Oh, I is old, don't doubt that! An' how's ya bin?

682. happyture3 July 2011, 11:26 GMT +02:00

Got to think young though, thats the trick, it works too!

683. xymonau3 July 2011, 11:35 GMT +02:00

I've just been gadding about with six year olds, playing hide and seek and singing action songs to their daddy. That young enough?

684. happyture3 July 2011, 11:36 GMT +02:00

Yeah,,,,Now give me my crayon back or i,m telling!!

685. xymonau3 July 2011, 11:43 GMT +02:00

Carn't. I ate it.

686. happyture3 July 2011, 11:54 GMT +02:00

Was the only blooming red one too, right thats it i,m tellin :O(

687. xymonau3 July 2011, 11:56 GMT +02:00

I'll jus' say I dinnet do it.

688. happyture3 July 2011, 11:59 GMT +02:00

And you'll get away with it with them eyes too wont you!! @@

689. xymonau3 July 2011, 12:01 GMT +02:00

The wax in the corners of my mouf an' between my teefs poses a bit of a problem.

690. happyture3 July 2011, 12:02 GMT +02:00

Guilty you is guilty, crayon eater!!!

691. xymonau3 July 2011, 12:06 GMT +02:00

WA-A-A-AHH! *tears stream down my face* Mike's Mam! Mikey's callin' me hugly names! WA-A-A-AHH!

692. happyture3 July 2011, 20:21 GMT +02:00

Never did, liar liar bums on fire!!

693. xymonau4 July 2011, 10:19 GMT +02:00

Hennyways, the red ones taste best. Them yeller ones is like mustard.

694. happyture4 July 2011, 20:00 GMT +02:00

Youv'e eaten the yellow one too, Mammy,,,Mammy,, Youv'e had it now,,Mammy!!!!

695. xymonau5 July 2011, 10:51 GMT +02:00

OOOFF! Oooh...that ol' girl can frow a boot like a flamin' missile!

Tattletale! Dobber! Now I'm gunna eat the resthtt...

696. happyture5 July 2011, 11:07 GMT +02:00

I,m full of bananananannnna's just had one for me breakfast, 2s better,,better jusss have another,,,,BARP" now i feel bilious.. an hits all your fault,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,So there!!!

697. xymonau5 July 2011, 11:22 GMT +02:00

I hates you, I do. Why ja fink I'm eatin crayons? Bananas are $13 a kilo since the floods. Ony millyunnaires can afford 'em. Well, lah de dah, mister hoity toity. Enjoy yer 'sclusive bellyache. I hasn't had a narner since the floods! WAAAAAHHHH!!!!!

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