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4 Letter Words

1. krayker16 July 2010, 13:45 GMT +02:00

You can only change ONE letter, AND/OR rearrange the letters currently available. The first word is:


8642. Ayla8716 October 2013, 14:28 GMT +02:00

That's really horrible. You would always think that people would treat each other with at least some minimal sort of fairness and respect, especially in work life where it often has to do with spending a lot of time together. But they obviously haven't learned how to do that... I hope you still do have some friends to rely onto, which is a great help in such situations. We are here for you at last :-)


8643. Groningen16 October 2013, 20:26 GMT +02:00

unfortunately Dez I have had a lot of experience with backstabbing co-workers
I know how painful it is and how much energy it costs to continue working in a hostile environment, BAD for your health!!

Post your sorrows here we will listen


8644. xymonau17 October 2013, 11:32 GMT +02:00

Thanks, guys. I can't say too much on a public forum, but I really appreciate your support. I have been trying to support others who have been affected today, and my head is aching. Not a Michael-class headache, naturally, but it makes me very sympathetic to you, Michael.

Yes, Christine - there's a lot of it about. I don't think people realise how hurtful their behaviour can be, and I know some don't care. I have spoken to the worker involved and had their side of it, and the story they tell me is different from the story my boss told me. Who knows what is true? It will pass, I know, and at least I have stopped crying! LOL

8645. Groningen21 October 2013, 20:50 GMT +02:00

hope you can cope Dez

just pretend those b*stards are


s; and splat them with a rolled-up magazine

8646. xymonau22 October 2013, 11:35 GMT +02:00

Thank you Christine. There has been a change of tone today, but I will nevertheless stay cautious. I have been flat out the last two days. Without my best worker, it all falls on my shoulders again. Teaching a man to multitask is a waste of time. It's driving me to distraction, and the work keeps piling up. And right when you think you have a moment to catch up, the phone rings or the police arrive or the prison phones or someone from another agency pops in to chat (don't they ever get busy? Why won't they go away?!) and there goes your day. Still, I'd rather be doing this than pushing up daisies, hey? LOL

I will be able to have a week off over xmas, as usual. I'll be on call, but at least if it all goes to plan I won't have to go in. At this point, the plan is about to hit the fan, as I have two staff on holidays, all pre-booked (one is the new person), and just enough to cover the shifts. Now someone has to have an abdominal operation, and so I have no idea what is to happen. I guess I shall have to walk around watching ostrich bums and try to sort something out or give up my holiday.


8647. gesinek23 October 2013, 10:15 GMT +02:00

Oh Dez, what should I say - I keep my fingers crossed that the bad times are over as quick as possible.

Although it might be hard: Don't give up your rights (as holidays) your unions had fought long for that.

And don't give up your values, it won't get better without them.


8648. xymonau23 October 2013, 10:48 GMT +02:00

Thank you, Gesine. The hard work isn't over, but the tone has improved a tiny bit. Actually, the holiday is a bonus, and not an entitlement under our holiday pay. It's just that opening the main office between xmas and new year is a bit of a waste of time, and since there are three public holidays and usually a weekend in there somewhere, they usually close, with no penalty to your holidays. It's decent of them and I have always appreciated being included, since I work at the other end of town and my work is different. I am hopeful that it will be sorted out, after a conversation I had today. And the operation may not be scheduled as early as the worker thinks.

I think I'm finding it harder because of the cortisone I'm still taking. It really makes me emotional. But I remind myself of how well off I really am, and I have gotten over the worst, I hope. LOL We all have these things happen, don't we?

What have you been up to?


8649. Groningen24 October 2013, 1:09 GMT +02:00

I've been knitting tigers ;-)


if the link doesn't work see my FB album Knitting ;-)


8650. xymonau24 October 2013, 11:47 GMT +02:00

And wonderful work, too, Christine. That's excellent wool.


8651. gesinek24 October 2013, 16:23 GMT +02:00

Cool socks Christine, I think you can open a shop for handmade wool products :-)

I had a lot of late work and stand bys at hospital and at home helping in the company of my partner.

Today I could go earlier and made some autumn pic with the canon. Weather is so beautiful here and the colors are bright and amazing. I will have a look at them later.

What's about Michael? Hope he has no new heavy attack.


8652. Ayla8725 October 2013, 6:50 GMT +02:00

Well, yes, nice that you ask, Gesine, but I have no surprising answer. Tuesday and Wednesday I was struck down by another quite heavy attack. Those beasts won't leave me alone to bother someone else. It seems that there is not much that can be done against it quickly, that needs time and patience to get better. There are so many adjusting screws with different medics and changes in behaviour to try out, still a long way to go... As I said, like playing lottery only that it it painful when you loose.


8653. xymonau26 October 2013, 5:40 GMT +02:00

I envy the northern hemisphere people for their glorious autumn leaves. Only introduced trees here lose their leaves. In some States they have a lot more planted all over the place, so you get the splash of colour, but here, things just turn a bit greyish, then in spring (which is now) you get the bright green leaves coming in, with blossoms. I hope you got some great photos, Gesine.

Michael, I am so sorry. I hope you get a lot more good days in before the next time. Do you have to keep a diary of everything you do (to look for triggers) ? I once had to do that (I can't even remember why) but I would forget all the time.

Is it getting cold yet? We had a lot of heat, but the nights still get a bit cooler. Not for much longer, though. And we're heading for the wet season, but the grass is brown and my tank is half empty. We really need rain. Never thought I'd desire rain, but things change, don't they? LOL


8654. gesinek26 October 2013, 13:53 GMT +02:00

My pictures I took the day before yesterday are nice but rnoisy, noisy, noisy. I'm not really comfortable with the canon powershot.

Don't know why all parts of the picture which have asimilar color turns noisy (at ISO 100).

I have to investigate the settings. Maybe automatic white balance is the suspect .

Michael I wish you get better soon and have more time without that attacks. Can't imagine your pain.

This weekend summertime ends and the clocks are turned back to MEZ. Next night will be 1 hour longer. Last year I had to work that weekend and got there one hour to early. It was very funny for my collegues but I was angry and tired.


8655. Groningen26 October 2013, 19:01 GMT +02:00

@Michael: hoping those beasts leave you alone for the rest of the year; you deserve a break :-0

@gesine: sorry to hear your photo's didn't turn out well, but the autumn colors will be there a little bit longer
thanks for the warning I almost forgot about turning the clock back one hour

for me that means one more hour of knitting. Yes I'm developing bad habits, sleep during the day and up all night. Sometimes I don't even know what day it is and I'm forgetting important things like paying bills *blush*.

the KAL for november is very promising, it will be a new pattern. The designer is very interested in the history of knitting and she has visited England recently and looked at old knitted sweaters and talked to knitters. The november-sock is designed from that.


(no no; the november-sock is a manly sock in earth-colors)

8656. xymonau27 October 2013, 3:09 GMT +01:00

Well, I was kind of hoping for a manly neon sock. *sigh*

You are doing what I tend to do when I don't have to work for a while (when I'm unemployed or on holidays). I sit up into the wee small hours and sleep in the day as well. Not good. You don't get your melatonin that way. But I even do that a bit on weekends. Get my second wind around 10pm.

I hate daylight saving. We don't have it in Queensland, but I know they'll bring it in eventually. Our summer evenings are quite long enough, thank you. Try getting the kids to bed when it's bright daylight and still hot. And the first couple of weeks trying to reset your body clock are awful.

Gesine, do you have any noise removal software? I always use Neat Image. They have a free version, too. It doesn't always give a crisp result, but it certainly works well on many photos.


8657. gesinek27 October 2013, 17:51 GMT +01:00

I'll try everything Dez. Downloaded a Linux Version - I'll try it tomorrow.

This day is like chewing gum: Seems it will never end. Our cats were not informed about time changing (Our fault :D). So we get up early and we feel likes we have ten o' clock at night although we have 10 minutes before 6 in the afternoon.

Christine, the trees which have really red or yellow leaves now are mostly bare right now.


8658. xymonau27 October 2013, 21:53 GMT +01:00

Some of the people who work in the other section of our local agency were talking at a meeting the other day and saying how much they would love to have daylight saving here. They are from interstate. Everyone moves to Queensland, so eventually we'll have a lot more people who want it.

I know exactly what you mean about chewing gum. You get so disorientated. It's actually really hard work to set your body clock - at least for some people, including me!


8659. xymonau28 October 2013, 12:14 GMT +01:00

It's official. I'm brain-dead. I've just finished doing three tax returns. (Mine and two others for someone else.) The latest they can be lodged is October 31 so we left our run a little late. I may be cured and do them early next time.

Ever notice that big business can get off tax free with trickery and playing the system, but the little man will get hit with a huge fine if he doesn't pay the last cent?


8660. Ayla8728 October 2013, 13:07 GMT +01:00

Thank you for your comfort, that feels very good. I know I'm in very good company because so many people have headaches. Here in Germany people spend more money for pain medics every month than for their bread at the bakery... I'm no exception to that rule.

I hate that hassling with the body clock, because that means to interfere with some natural rhythm. I don't think it is of any use.

Yes, it's always the little man who has to pay the highest taxes because he can't afford those tricks... That must be an international rule of tax laws.


8661. xymonau29 October 2013, 21:40 GMT +01:00

I hope you've had some reprieve from the pain in recent days, Michael. I read about all the big storms in Europe. Was anyone here directly affected?


8662. Ayla8730 October 2013, 7:53 GMT +01:00

All quiet on the storm and pain front here luckily. The wind was stronger than usual, but we are too far away from where it all happened. So I slowly continue to work on those preparations for the pain clinic (filling out those about 20 pages of forms, collecting all kinds of paperwork etc.). It is not easy to find the right words to describe why my migraine troubles me so much. If I knew what could be done to solve that problem I wouldn't have to go to the clinic, after all... But I suppose they are consulted with a huge load of those hard cases.

They have some English information on their website

and some more nice photos
so it looks really nice there


8663. gesinek30 October 2013, 9:58 GMT +01:00

A lot of people are hurt, they fall down by the heavy wind and have some serios injuries. We had a lot to do in OP. Some people unfortunatly died in the storm by flying tree parts. Some roofs flew away, a lot of trees were uprooted so a lot of streets and railways were closed, public traffic was down, a lot of cars are damaged by flying tree parts. A collegue of me saw a trampoline flying through the air. It was stopped by a house wall. Airport was closed, lower parts in the harbour were flooded...

We are directly affected by the damages and autumn storms are normal here. But this one was declared to be the heaviest storm in the last 40 years.
Some pictures: http://www.ndr.de/regional/wetter781.html

In our northern neighbour state public traffic will be available on all areas up to today afternoon. So Michael, if you want to visit the clinic today you have to wait until afternoon. Kiel is not directly reachable at the moment.

Hope they can give you the help you need there. The clinic is famous here, they make a good job. I think it was on TV short time ago. People from whole germany (and I think partly from Denmark) are treated there.


8664. xymonau30 October 2013, 10:04 GMT +01:00

I've never heard of a malus payment before. I learned something.

It sounds and looks like a great clinic, Michael. And they have a significant success rate. The views are wonderful and the rooms look quite comfortable. I think you'll be in good hands.

I was amazed to read that 10 million people in Germany suffer from chronic pain. That's almost half the population of Australia. A huge number.


8665. Ayla8730 October 2013, 10:43 GMT +01:00

Oh, no, Gesine, I'm not going to Kiel that soon. I think it will be spring until I go there.

Some of the TV appearances of the clinic can still be seen in their Mediathek Video collection

I suppose it tells a lot about the stubbornness and the lifestyle of the Germans that so many of them live a life full of chronic pain. It has much to do with the capacity to take things easy, which is often easier said than done, I'm afraid...

And I can tell you that this number of 10 million sufferers in Germany must be true, because there are already 3 of us here in our Office of the Environment (we are only 25 colleagues) who have migraines.


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