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new logo?

1. fishmonk19 April 2010, 22:57 GMT +02:00

What's this flower? Did I miss something?

26. Gramps20 April 2010, 17:51 GMT +02:00

Ever thought of changing that name to Grumpyture ? C'mon, your giving Brummies a bad rep :0)

27. krayker20 April 2010, 18:17 GMT +02:00

I vote for a contest. this one's not polished enough. somehow, I don't think its compelling enough. are those leaflets or a flower? call me a luddite, but, i don't quite get it.

28. happyture20 April 2010, 20:06 GMT +02:00

Hey, Gramps thats below the belt, be fair, if this was a gardening club i could understand that logo!

29. Gramps20 April 2010, 22:10 GMT +02:00

Grin. The way some guys up there wear their trousers I'd be hitting you in the knees. As for the gardening, if you can grow anything that looks like that you'll probably have to smoke it :0)

30. decar6620 April 2010, 22:54 GMT +02:00

Looking forward to the new logo contest... can I smoke current logo in the meantime?... sweeet isn't it?

31. xymonau21 April 2010, 2:25 GMT +02:00

No-one intended to offend. It was a minor thing that needed fixing, so it was fixed. Several people have objected. The objections fall into two categories.

1. You weren't consulted.
2. You don't like the logo.

How much consultation has to be done? Someone has to steer the ship without asking for permission every five minutes. Those who have helped a lot in the past have shown their loyalty, and I respect that. But all you had to say was that you didn't like the logo without insulting and embarrassing Zela, and imagining this was a personal sleight. As I said, did anyone complain about lack of consultation re the FAQ, etc? And did anyone offer to write them?

And it may have taken weeks to decide what to use last time, but we have slightly more to deal with these days, and things have to be operated efficiently. The site has evolved and will evolve further, and the sheer volume of people means things have to just be done.

We will hold a competition for a better front page logo. If you are willing to participate, then please indicate here. Those who are most upset will be the first to offer help, I'm sure. I'm willing to conduct it, but if you don't want me to do that, and are willing to do so yourself, let us know. However, the new logo will have to be donated to the site without any claims on copyright, or it would be unworkable.

So far, Berenika has volunteered.

32. happyture21 April 2010, 7:44 GMT +02:00

Changing a sites logo is in my own opinion not a small thing, A logo acts like a beacon, A monument to the site, people often recognise a logo before the name that follows, with this in mind maybe the logo should be designed by a person/s who are professionally qualified in such matters,I personally don't feel qualified enough to even attempt such a undertaking and are not too proud to say so, If i remember correctly a competition was held for the first logo which unfortunately never withstood the test of time...

33. GerbenVanErkelens21 April 2010, 8:19 GMT +02:00

I pretty much like the new logo. It's simple, clean and I think fits RGBStock

34. Gramps21 April 2010, 12:00 GMT +02:00

I like the new logo. It sticks in the mind, like it or loath it. That's the whole point of a logo, something that sticks once you see it. If you look at Orange say, a lot of people thought "what a stupid logo" but everyone recognises it. The same with the Microsoft wavey flag and audi's four rings. The company I worked for had a name change and the logo looked like a propeller with two orange props and two black. They payed out for a well known company to design their ID and it cost them the best part of a million pounds.

As for being consulted about the website. As long as the terms and conditions don't change without me being told then the guys that put all the hard work into the design and maintenance of the site have a free hand. Most of us are a bit like free lodgers, we have a little room here where we can leave stuff and reside now and again, if the landlords decide to redecorate now and again that's up to them. If the landlords change and I don't like it then I can do what I've done before, move.

So don't go just yet guys, I'm just going to put a comffy chair in, put my feet up and rest awhile :0)

35. weirdvis21 April 2010, 12:20 GMT +02:00

The RGB brand is evolving and a shiny new logo everyone likes (is that even possible?) would be nice but let's not get ahead of ourselves here. Whatever logo the community plumps for, no matter how professional it is, will never have the monumental impact of a Nike, McDonald's, or Ferrari logo. We are a small but growing free microstock site in a world where most people have no idea what that means nor will they ever know.

Dez is willing to divert some of her attention away from the important work she is doing so we'd be grateful if some of you can spare a little of your own time to help her organise this competition. Please contact Dez or post on this thread if you can offer any assistance.

The more the merrier as they say.

C'mon, you know you want to.

36. mzacha21 April 2010, 13:07 GMT +02:00

Well, the new logo is better than previous and that is why it is good. And if somebody can create a better one, we can always change it, isn't it?

37. micromoth21 April 2010, 13:23 GMT +02:00

Well, personally I like the logo, and thanks to Zela for taking the time and trouble to create it.

But a competition would still be a good idea, because brands do need refreshing from time to time. See, for example, how Microsoft have repeatedly changed their Windows logo as the years have gone by.

As regards help with the competition, I don't want to write something from scratch, but as a part-time editor and native English speaker I'm happy to help check text for clarity, grammar, spelling and etc.

Any more volunteers?

38. crisderaud21 April 2010, 15:05 GMT +02:00

@36 Michal, you said it all right there :)

Take a look at the two most popular sites in the world, Facebook and Google. Where are their logos? Google makes a logo out of their name and they play with it all of the time. Where's the logo at Facebook http://www.facebook.com/ ? Again, there is no logo but just their name. Even sxc doesn't have a logo.

What I'm getting at is defining what the logo is. If we are to have a contest it's important to know where the logo goes and what it will be used for.

When I look over at my list of bookmarks in my browser I see the little colorful icons in front of the link names which are called the favicons. That's where our logo should look good and distinctive. Nearly all the most popular sites have the first letter of their name in their favicon design.

If you want to make a great logo, make one that adapts to a recognizable favicon.
I suggest the logo have the letters rgb and the red, green and blue colors. It should also look good as a square or rectangle.

39. Berenika21 April 2010, 15:27 GMT +02:00

I think "logo-change felxibility" is the best solution, and I think all Cris tips are very pratical.
But still I'm thinking that competition is a very good idea - we need competitions to increase number of users and downloads and make this stock more popular - competition is also a great chance for all talented and creative people to present their works. I think we need more then logo competition - maybe business photo or graphic competition, food, some concepts or other topics - just to get a lot of nice uploads there ;-)
and I comfirm my will to participate in tasks connected with this competition.

40. iikozen21 April 2010, 15:31 GMT +02:00

I suggest a permanent section is created somewhere in the site, preferably where one can openly post, featuring the help needed, so people who have the ability and time can offer themselves to help in something they know is needed.

When I voice myself about something I feel strong about "I do not" disconsider all the work people have done and/or are doing for the good of this community. Still, I voice myself about the present issue, only.

The logo may be a small thing for some brands, while for others it isn't.

I agree with Cris about the importance of having the logo look good in the favicon, and everyone interested should learn a bit about the diferent kinds of extensions and browser compatibility regarding them.


When you are creating the logo you can play converting it into a favicon using this free FavIcon Generator service:


Dez, you can count on my help, as long as it is not implied that I am the most upset because I am between the first to offer help. ;)

PS edit: entensions=extensions

41. mzacha21 April 2010, 15:53 GMT +02:00

A tip for competitors:

42. krayker21 April 2010, 18:17 GMT +02:00

@ xymonau,
no offense meant when I made my comments - just that rgb could afford a bit more polished logo, nothing personal against the current logo, the thoughts behind it. or the creator.

I guess people here including me were saying something better could have been done. not denying that the skeletal crew has been working their butt off without any pay and in fact chipping in their own to keep the site running.

there was some discussion going on in the google groups before this site opened and some logos were submitted then. for most parts, i thought that was abandoned.

yeah - just the letter rgbstock with r, g, & b with the respective colors could be the best logo !
(but I disagree about the google logo bits - they play around with their logo - but there's no denying of an existence of a logo/ logotype, they go have a vibrant one stamped all over. just that they have made it flexible because of their barebones design - they only have the logotpe to play around with!

facebook is pretty much the same - they have a logotype no symbol )

43. crisderaud21 April 2010, 19:15 GMT +02:00

Maybe we could use a logotype instead of the current font we are using.

Our current one is not very bold and doesn't shout out our name when the page opens.

(I do admit that I am blind to that upper left region so my perception may not represent what most people see)

44. crisderaud21 April 2010, 19:57 GMT +02:00

Manoel, that free FavIcon Generator service is a handy link to have.

If anybody would like a free full-featured icon suite for making icon, logos and favicons, you will find a software suite to do just about anything you need at http://icofx.ro/.

45. xymonau22 April 2010, 8:05 GMT +02:00

I'm not offended by anyone, so don't think that. It might take a few days for me to write a blurb for the comp, and I think we can have all sorts of entries. That gives us a lot to choose from. If the standard isn't high, or if nothing grabs us all, I don't think we should change anything. We definitely need link logos, so perhaps some could be used for those - although an image is better. We'll see. I've had a stressful day, so I'll have to get back to you.

46. iikozen22 April 2010, 15:11 GMT +02:00

@45 let's get rid of all stress, shall we!? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5-WaEwrXak

Hope you enjoy it.

47. crisderaud22 April 2010, 15:38 GMT +02:00

Today is Earth Day too!


Our logo is appropriate throughout the entire day!!

48. iikozen22 April 2010, 15:57 GMT +02:00


Have you seen Google's logo for today? http://www.google.com.br/logos/earthday10-hp.gif

Those guys definitely smoke their stuff! LOL

Happy Earth Day to all Earthlings...

49. weirdvis22 April 2010, 16:28 GMT +02:00

Our logo is appropriate for Earth Day?

Reaches for the weedkiller...

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