... and the fenomenal win goes 2 EyeMee
What's funny is that you lot simply don't get the fact the I WON! Me, the blue wolf lady.
Oh I can but you ain't been to Spec-Savers so haven't noticed...
Wow, man! The planets just aligned! I was looking at a brochure of theirs just a short while ago! You're freakin' me out, blue wolf, but you ain't winnin'!
That's not planets aligning. That's me knocking sense into your skull...
I win!
You ain'tent the only one wot plants cameras, Dezzie...
Er... Helloo-o!
Xquz Mee!
Should I remind you that alea iacta est?
Any further trying is futile.
That's nice, zela. Now go hang it on your wall while I get down to the winning thing.
It's okay, costi. They think this is the last post topice. We won't tell them. But given that the prize is one dollar and a plastic badge, you may have it. I want the millyun dollars.
But Dez, I spent the millyun dollars yonks ago. All that's left is one dollar and a plastic badge that declares me the winner...
No you didn't. You THINK you did because I had you kidnapped and hypnotised.
No! No! No! I was the one that kidnapped Undy and tied him up in the cellar. It was you who fell foul of my Acme Delude the Opposition Machine. You went off and brewed up a batch of suspect soup. Mikey thought he had a badger in his head. God knows what Jimbo thought and as for Konstantin - well he didn't need the machine if you catch my drift...
Oh, you never forget a detail, do you? Well, it was right after that that you was kidnapped, only you was hypnotised so you wouldn't remember. An' we left one of them post-natal suggestions in yer 'ed.
Wolves cannot be hypnotised. Anyone trying it would end up as lunch or a novelty dog chew...