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Where is your picure used?

1. Zela7 July 2016, 20:32 GMT +02:00

I got a link today to one of my files used on a website https://www.zorgvisie.nl/Financien/Nieuws/2016/7/Vaker-meerjarig-contract-met-ziekenhuis/

Please show your work too if you get links to the file(s). We are always happy to know!


27. xymonau16 December 2017, 11:09 GMT +01:00


28. Ayla8718 December 2017, 15:42 GMT +01:00

That's nice, Dez

29. xymonau19 December 2017, 13:57 GMT +01:00

Thanks, Michael.

30. micromoth7 February 2018, 18:56 GMT +01:00

Feeling chuffed that one of my photos has been used for a Facebook article on the value of exercise for improving the health of the heart.

31. ColinBrough7 February 2018, 21:44 GMT +01:00


Was amused recently when I stumbled across on my images being used locally - I work as a church minister, and one of the other local churches used a night image of Dundee on their publicity material as they advertise for a new minister. I was at a meeting when they previewed the material - including my image! Quite disconcerting...


32. xymonau8 February 2018, 4:53 GMT +01:00

Kevin, that's excellent. It's nice to find pages that are using them, particularly in a positive way. Looks great.

Colin, how exciting! Encountering an image in the real world is great! Years ago, and it wasn't my image, I was walking through Nambour in Qld, and I stopped in my tracks. A store had opened using Matchstick's "lime light" image as their logo, and it was all over everything. I know it wasn't mine, but I felt so proud, anyway. LOL

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